Sarah S.
West House
Animal Cruelty
EQ: What is the most effective way to take a stand against animal cruelty?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 Min Presentation Reflection

What would you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
I think the questions that I threw out during the presentation towards the audience were very engaging. Everyone seemed to be involved and participating. They raised their hands and shouted out answers.

What was most challenging to do and why?
     The most challenging thing to do was actually get up there and speak because I get nervous very easily and sometimes when I start speak I begin to shake, stutter, breath wierd, or cough and its embarassing. I also thought thinking of what to present on was tough because whatever we say we can't use again in other presentations.

Interview 1 Reflection

What is the most important thing I learned from the interview and why?
     The most important thing I learned from Sergeant Villegas were the list of professionals he advised I should speak to. I think they would be great for my project and possible future interviewees. I also thought the experiences he told me about, while out on the field, were great because I got to hear it from a person who has seen and been through it, rather than just watching it on tv or reading about it about it in the newspaper.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Presentation Rough Draft

     Students wil learn more about animal cruelty.

  1. Introduction: small activity or question to engage everyone.
  2. talk about what I have learned so far - different types of animal cruelty
  3. talk about my interview and the cases my interviewee has been involved in
  4. incorporate a visual during the presentation
  5. open up the floor to anyone who might have questions or maybe stories of their own
Check For Understanding:
     I plan on opening up the floor to everyone who is willing to ask questions or maybe tell us some of their own stories. I'm not sure yet but I am thinking of incorporating a small activity to engage everyone.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Interview 1

Who do you plan to interview? Why? What more will you ask them and why?
     I plan to interview one of the animal officers at the shelter. She was one of my trainers and I know her very well so I figured I might as well interview her first. I plan to ask her what she sees on a daily basis concerning animal cruelty and of anything else that might help me along the way studying it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Topic Choice

What is your topic?
    Animal Cruelty

Why did you choose this topic?
     I chose this topic because ever since I was little I always had a passion to help and care for animals, and since I volunteer at the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter, what would be better than to do a project that I have a passion for, can help make a huge difference and inform others about all at the same time.

What do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic all year?
     I hope to accomplish a better understanding of how our animal rights laws work, about animal cruelty cases that are unknown to most people, and to learn so many different ways a person can help, even in the smallest ways, to help fight against this cruel act and how I myself can become more apart of it.

Intro to Blog

This is the introduction to my senior project.