Sarah S.
West House
Animal Cruelty
EQ: What is the most effective way to take a stand against animal cruelty?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Independent Component 1

1) Discuss possible ideas you have to complete this requirement?
     Ok so I either do 110 hours at the animal shelter, which is most likely what I will be doing, or i form an animal rights club and take a political science course.

2) How will these idea(s) help answer your EQ? 

     At the animal shelter I can have hands on experiences with animals and work with animal officers who know quite a lot about animal cruelty. Forming an animal rights club would help me, and others, help take a stand against animal cruelty and be more informed about it and go out to different activities and events. The political science course can go through the animal rights movement which is great because my topic is animal rights/prevention of animal cruelty.

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